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This animal’s blood is the most valuable on earth

When you think about the most precious liquids on Earth, you might conjure up images of petroleum, fine wines, or perhaps rare perfumes. But there's one creature out there whose unassuming blue blood is worth its weight in gold, and it's been saving human lives for decades without many of us realizing it.

Caligula’s Pleasure Barge uncovered by Mussolini

The fascinating history of Rome is filled with intriguing tales and mysteries, but few are as captivating as the story of Caligula's pleasure barge. Uncovered by none other than Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, this tale combines ancient Roman debauchery, a stunning lake, and the iron-fisted rule of a 20th-century fascist leader. Join us on this adventurous journey as we explore the luxurious world of Caligula's pleasure barge and the lengths Mussolini went to uncover it.

Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder, prank-called the Vatican

Before revolutionizing personal computing and becoming the storied co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak found his technological thrill seeking landing him in trouble. Long fascinated by electronics and pranks, the young Woz once attempted an ambitious gambit - phreaking a call with the Pope while posing as Henry Kissinger.

The young girl that named Pluto

In 1930's Oxford, breakfast conversations between grandparents and their grandchildren weren't usually front-page news. But for Venetia Burney, a bright-eyed student, one such conversation would etch her name in the annals of history. This young girl, residing amidst the cobblestone streets and towering spires of Oxford, was about to play a key role in the narrative of the universe.