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This animal’s blood is the most valuable on earth

When you think about the most precious liquids on Earth, you might conjure up images of petroleum, fine wines, or perhaps rare perfumes. But there's one creature out there whose unassuming blue blood is worth its weight in gold, and it's been saving human lives for decades without many of us realizing it.

Caligula’s Pleasure Barge uncovered by Mussolini

The fascinating history of Rome is filled with intriguing tales and mysteries, but few are as captivating as the story of Caligula's pleasure barge. Uncovered by none other than Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, this tale combines ancient Roman debauchery, a stunning lake, and the iron-fisted rule of a 20th-century fascist leader. Join us on this adventurous journey as we explore the luxurious world of Caligula's pleasure barge and the lengths Mussolini went to uncover it.

Why Lemons float, but Limes sink

At first glance, lemons and limes appear quite similar - two bright green citrus fruits packing a tart, zesty bite. Their flavors infuse countless refreshing foods and drinks from sorbets to cocktails. Yet subtle differences set them deliciously apart beyond simply swirling yellow and green.

Da Vinci’s Famous Mural Once Showed Christ’s Feet

Like a lot of masterpieces from centuries past, “In Milan’s unassuming Santa Maria delle Grazie monastery, millions flock to glimpse Leonardo da Vinci’s spellbinding mural The Last Supper - Jesus’ final gathering alive with drama moments before betrayal. Though now an iconic masterpiece of the High Renaissance, it may shock tourists to learn the painting once moldered decrepit and vandalized for centuries, its innovations lost on contemporaries.The Last Supper” has undergone significant changes since it first saw the light of day. Perhaps most significantly, Leonardo da Vinci’s...

Everyone’s tongueprint is unique to them

In a future not so far off, your smartphone, computer, or front door may feature advanced biometric security to confirm your identity before granting access. But rather than pressing a finger or peering into a retinal scanner, authenticating yourself could one day be as easy as sticking out your tongue!

Why does this animal have rectangular pupils?

Out on the rugged rangelands, a herd of vigilant goats monitors the scrubby hills for any lurking threats. Suddenly, a mountain lion explodes from cover. But using their unique rectangular pupils, the goats detected the hunter before its lethal rush. Now the herd scrambles away using vision uniquely adapted to escape predators and navigate rocky slopes at speed.

Kevlar Was Originally Made for Car Tires

In a Delaware laboratory one fateful afternoon in 1965, a young chemist noticed something peculiar. A batch of polymers emerged from solution runny instead of syrupy, unlike the typical experimental output. Though colleagues advised discarding the apparent failure, Stephanie Kwolek instead saw promise in this cloudy concoction’s curious qualities.

Philadelphia Cream Cheese: not from Philly?

Its familiar silver-wrapped bricks dominate refrigerator shelves nationwide. Beloved for spreading on bagels or baking into cheesecakes, Philadelphia Cream Cheese has cemented its status as an icon of American cuisine. Yet behind the brand’s household familiarity lies an origin story filled with clever deception, immigrant ingenuity, and enduring myth.