Tag: Animals


These Creatures May be Immortal

The elusive pursuit of immortality has captivated humanity for countless ages, with legends and scientific endeavors exploring the boundaries of our fleeting existence. Although immortality is currently beyond our grasp, there are two creatures that may offer insight into the possibility of unlocking the secrets of eternal life.

These bees produce intoxicating ‘Mad Honey’

In the remote mountains of Turkey and Nepal, there's a buzz in the air. It's not your average bee activity, though. These bees create a unique kind of honey - a honey so potent it’s earned the nickname "Mad Honey."

This animal’s blood is the most valuable on earth

When you think about the most precious liquids on Earth, you might conjure up images of petroleum, fine wines, or perhaps rare perfumes. But there's one creature out there whose unassuming blue blood is worth its weight in gold, and it's been saving human lives for decades without many of us realizing it.

Why does this animal have rectangular pupils?

Out on the rugged rangelands, a herd of vigilant goats monitors the scrubby hills for any lurking threats. Suddenly, a mountain lion explodes from cover. But using their unique rectangular pupils, the goats detected the hunter before its lethal rush. Now the herd scrambles away using vision uniquely adapted to escape predators and navigate rocky slopes at speed.

The Powerful Matriarchs of the Animal Kingdom

Unlike gorillas, wild turkeys, and many other male-dominant species, elephants are matriarchal. The leader of each herd (the group is also sometimes known as a memory) tends to be the oldest and largest female around. She has a lot ...

Red Kangaroos are One inch long when newborn

In the rugged Outback, a tiny furless creature the size of a jellybean emerges into the world. Still an embryo, this fragile being instinctively drags itself across the dusty ground with comically small limbs toward the safety of mom's cozy pouch.