Tag: Animals


Koala Bear Fingerprints Resemble Human Prints

Curled in a eucalyptus tree, a koala clutches branches while its dexterous digits pluck just the right tender leaves for snacking. Zooming in on those busy paws reveals whirling tiny ridges wrapping each finger pad much like our own - complete fingerprints with the power to identify koalas as unique beings.

Found in the Deep: Footage of the Elusive Dumbo Octopus

Picture this: the vast, enigmatic deep sea near the Hawaiian Islands, a world where light is a luxury and the inhabitants are as mystical as the surroundings. It is here that scientists, on a quest for the unknown, captured footage of a rare and enchanting creature, the Dumbo octopus, swimming blissfully in the Pacific Ocean’s profound depths.

The thickest fur of mammals: Sea Otters

Off California's windswept Pacific coastline, a sleek brown otter floats on its back, casually smashing shellfish between paws resting on its softly furred belly. This marine mammal appears blissfully unbothered by the frigid ocean it calls home.

Tiny Marine Microbes Make The Air You Breathe

Deep in the world's oceans thrives a photosynthetic powerhouse you can't even see. The tiny microbe Prochlorococcus measures just 0.6 micrometers wide—half the size of the thinnest human hair. Yet this unassuming organism pulls off an astounding chemical feat: producing up to 80% of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere.

Angler fish mate by melting into each other

Deep in the pitch-black abyss of the ocean, a light flickers in the darkness. It's an anglerfish, glowing to lure in unsuspecting prey. With its huge head, sharp teeth, and illuminated fishing rod protruding from its head, the anglerfish looks like something out of a sci-fi movie.

How Butterflies taste through their feet

A butterfly flutters delicately from bloom to bloom, sipping nectar through its curly proboscis. But a closer look reveals this winged beauty uses more than just its mouth to experience the world.