Tag: Culture


The WWII Soldier Who Wouldn’t Surrender

In December of 1944, as American forces were battling their way across the Pacific and closing in on Japan, a young Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer named Hiroo Onoda landed on the small island of Lubang in the Philippines.

The Sun Never Sets on the French Republic

Picture a typical French scene in your mind's eye. Perhaps you envision the iconic Eiffel Tower piercing the Parisian skyline. You may also imagine strolling through the lavender fields of Provence. While these images are quintessentially French, they only scratch the surface of what truly constitutes the French Republic.

The Woman Who Wrote the First Code

Ada Lovelace is often referred to as the world's first computer programmer, yet her contributions to science and technology have been overshadowed by her gender and her famous father, the poet Lord Byron.

World’s Highest Tides

The phenomenon of tides is a fascinating one because they're a direct observation of Gravity's affect. The daily tides are a result of Moon's gravity asserting itself on our bodies of water. Our oceans bulge towards the Moon.

These Creatures May be Immortal

The elusive pursuit of immortality has captivated humanity for countless ages, with legends and scientific endeavors exploring the boundaries of our fleeting existence. Although immortality is currently beyond our grasp, there are two creatures that may offer insight into the possibility of unlocking the secrets of eternal life.

Castle Bravo and The Bomb Spike Phenomenon

On March 1st, 1954, American scientist John Clark huddled inside a bunker on a remote Pacific island, waiting anxiously as he prepared to detonate the most powerful hydrogen bomb ever tested.