Tag: Culture


The flying coffin of WWII

When the B-24 Liberator heavy bomber first took to the skies in World War II, it carried the weight of a nation's hopes on its wings. The United States desperately needed a long-range, high-speed bomber capable of striking deep into the heart of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. On paper, the B-24 seemed perfect for the job.

How Two Brothers Unleashed the First PC Virus

Do you remember floppy disks? Those big, squarish items that your parents probably used to save their work on computers? While they might seem archaic now, floppy disks were at the heart of a revolution that had little to do with storing your school assignments.

Visiting Paris… in China

A stroll down the Champs Élysées. Resting beside the Luxembourg Gardens fountain. Gazing up at Gustave Eiffel’s towering namesake.

The underground city that housed 20,000

Imagine a regular day in 1963. In the heart of Turkey, a man is renovating his home in the Nevşehir Province. Suddenly, he knocks down a wall and stumbles upon a room — a mysterious, ancient room.

The ‘Father of Robotics’ that may have inspired Da Vinci

As we dive into the diverse tapestry of history, we encounter the remarkable life and works of a 12th century inventor named Ismail Al Jazari. Born in 1136 in the bustling city of Diyarbakir in South Eastern Turkey, Al Jazari was not your everyday inventor.

Potatoes were once feared

Hard to believe, but the humble potato was once feared and misunderstood. Now a staple in diets across the globe, the journey of the potato is a tale of adventure, peril, and ultimate triumph.