Tag: Food


Why Lemons float, but Limes sink

At first glance, lemons and limes appear quite similar - two bright green citrus fruits packing a tart, zesty bite. Their flavors infuse countless refreshing foods and drinks from sorbets to cocktails. Yet subtle differences set them deliciously apart beyond simply swirling yellow and green.

Philadelphia Cream Cheese: not from Philly?

Its familiar silver-wrapped bricks dominate refrigerator shelves nationwide. Beloved for spreading on bagels or baking into cheesecakes, Philadelphia Cream Cheese has cemented its status as an icon of American cuisine. Yet behind the brand’s household familiarity lies an origin story filled with clever deception, immigrant ingenuity, and enduring myth.

Seltzer Water Named After Town of Selters in Germany

Crack open an ice cold can of sparkling water and that first bracing sip tingles the tongue with prickly carbonation. Yet few ponder the beverage's rich backstory bubblescaping from natural springs into bottles globally today as beloved seltzer. This fizzy drink phenomenon in fact traces through spa towns, science labs and society itself revealing key innovations behind modern comforts we increasingly take for granted.

The Surprising Origins of Chinese Takeout Boxes

The folded paper containers with wire handles that carry billions of orders of Kung Pao chicken, lo mein, and egg rolls each year actually originated right here in the United States. The quintessential Chinese takeout box was invented in Chicago in 1894 by an American named Frederick Weeks Wilcox.

Pepsi was originally called “Brad’s Drink”

Every story has a beginning, and for one of the most recognized beverages on the planet, it began not in a sprawling corporate lab but in a modest pharmacy in New Bern, North Carolina. Pepsi, that bubbly and effervescent drink known worldwide, started its journey as a quaintly named "Brad's Drink." And at its heart was a pharmacist with a vision – Caleb Bradham.

Pistachios can Spontaneously Combust

You know what they say about too much of a good thing, right? Well, it turns out that our beloved pistachios, those deliciously crunchy and nutritious green treats, come with a secret that would make any pyromaniac's eyes light up: in the right conditions, they can spontaneously burst into flames!