Tag: People


The Sun Never Sets on the French Republic

Picture a typical French scene in your mind's eye. Perhaps you envision the iconic Eiffel Tower piercing the Parisian skyline. You may also imagine strolling through the lavender fields of Provence. While these images are quintessentially French, they only scratch the surface of what truly constitutes the French Republic.

The Woman Who Wrote the First Code

Ada Lovelace is often referred to as the world's first computer programmer, yet her contributions to science and technology have been overshadowed by her gender and her famous father, the poet Lord Byron.

The Most Dangerous Movie ever Filmed

Our tale opens under African skies in 1969, where actress Tippi Hedren (The Birds) and producer husband Noel Marshall sailed on winds of optimism. As wealthy Hollywood royalty on a glamorous safari vacation, they thrilled like giddy children to magnificent prides of lions roaming wild near their Tanzanian lodge cabin.

Death penalty for drinking coffee

Coffee, is an aromatic, eye-opening beverage that millions of people worldwide can't seem to start their day without. But, imagine being ruled by a leader who believed that coffee was a threat to public morality, to the extent that he threatened to behead anyone caught drinking it publicly.

The first female on a UK banknote

Florence Nightingale is a fascinating personality that was born into a wealthy Victorian family. However, throughout her life she chose a tough life of service. She was known for her work during the Crimean War. During the war she tended to wounded soldiers and helped revolutionize nursing practices.

The Secret Apartment on top of Eiffel Tower

Paris's iconic Eiffel Tower harbors an intriguing secret - a private apartment built solely for the monument's architect Gustave Eiffel to entertain esteemed guests.