Tag: planet


Jupiter Doesn’t Orbit the Sun

Astrophysicists have long known that the universe is full of surprises, but even our own Solar System can make our head spin. It turns out that the center of the Solar System is not the Sun and so Jupiter doesn't orbit the Sun. In fact, none of the planets revolve around the Sun.

World’s Highest Tides

The phenomenon of tides is a fascinating one because they're a direct observation of Gravity's affect. The daily tides are a result of Moon's gravity asserting itself on our bodies of water. Our oceans bulge towards the Moon.

Great Lakes: 20% of the world’s surface freshwater

Along America's northern frontier sprawls an aquatic kingdom spanning 94,600 square miles - the largest surface freshwater system on Earth. Encompassing Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario, this watery realm contains over 117 trillion gallons supplying 40 million people while supporting economies from Canada to Minnesota to New York.

Why Most Canadians Live Near US Border

Gaze north from America across the Great White North and Canada appears a boundless land brimming with rugged wilderness, sawtooth mountains and remote tundra plains. But in fact just 10% of Canada's nearly 40 million populace resides in those iconic frigid hinterlands. A full 90% instead clusters within a narrow strip along the southern border - often not far north of U.S. territory at all.

Why does this animal have rectangular pupils?

Out on the rugged rangelands, a herd of vigilant goats monitors the scrubby hills for any lurking threats. Suddenly, a mountain lion explodes from cover. But using their unique rectangular pupils, the goats detected the hunter before its lethal rush. Now the herd scrambles away using vision uniquely adapted to escape predators and navigate rocky slopes at speed.

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: Bigger Than The Earth

Looming ruddy amid churning ammonia clouds lies one of our solar system’s greatest enduring mysteries - Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot. At 10,000 miles wide, this Jovian hurricane swirls massive enough to engulf Earth whole. Its crimson chaotic eye glares from over 300 years vigil ruling the gaseous giant’s cloud tops, outlasting human epochs.