Tag: Society


Everyone’s tongueprint is unique to them

In a future not so far off, your smartphone, computer, or front door may feature advanced biometric security to confirm your identity before granting access. But rather than pressing a finger or peering into a retinal scanner, authenticating yourself could one day be as easy as sticking out your tongue!

Kevlar Was Originally Made for Car Tires

In a Delaware laboratory one fateful afternoon in 1965, a young chemist noticed something peculiar. A batch of polymers emerged from solution runny instead of syrupy, unlike the typical experimental output. Though colleagues advised discarding the apparent failure, Stephanie Kwolek instead saw promise in this cloudy concoction’s curious qualities.

When North America Had Over 144 Local Times

Imagine an American railway dispatcher in 1880 fielding telegraphs about a passenger train running hours behind schedule. But the message isn't warning of mechanical issues, track flooding or otherobstacles. It's simply that the train unexpectedly arrived early, jeopardizing connections, thanks to timekeeping chaos across cities then.

California’s Economy: Larger than UK

With an economy larger than the United Kingdom, California ranks as the world's fifth largest economy. The Golden State's staggering $3.4 trillion GDP outpaces entire nations. But what transformed California into a global economic behemoth?

Rarest Eye Color in the World

Look deeply into someone’s eyes, and you may feel like you’re glimpsing into their innermost soul. But if those eyes happen to be gray, you’re gazing through one of the rarest windows in the world.

Seltzer Water Named After Town of Selters in Germany

Crack open an ice cold can of sparkling water and that first bracing sip tingles the tongue with prickly carbonation. Yet few ponder the beverage's rich backstory bubblescaping from natural springs into bottles globally today as beloved seltzer. This fizzy drink phenomenon in fact traces through spa towns, science labs and society itself revealing key innovations behind modern comforts we increasingly take for granted.