Tag: space


The Future Star Apocalypse

Amidst the vast emptiness of space, the skies rarely trouble most earthlings beyond furnishing poetic inspiration. Yet concealed in the abyss, deadly remnants from our solar system's birth slowly circle in the darkness.

Jupiter Doesn’t Orbit the Sun

Astrophysicists have long known that the universe is full of surprises, but even our own Solar System can make our head spin. It turns out that the center of the Solar System is not the Sun and so Jupiter doesn't orbit the Sun. In fact, none of the planets revolve around the Sun.

Light doesn’t experience time…

We've all basked in the gentle warmth of sunlight, without giving much thought to the fact that this light left the Sun over eight minutes ago, traversing a whopping 93 million miles to reach us.

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot: Bigger Than The Earth

Looming ruddy amid churning ammonia clouds lies one of our solar system’s greatest enduring mysteries - Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot. At 10,000 miles wide, this Jovian hurricane swirls massive enough to engulf Earth whole. Its crimson chaotic eye glares from over 300 years vigil ruling the gaseous giant’s cloud tops, outlasting human epochs.

Why does Venus spin backwards?

Gazing up at the night sky, stargazers recognize Venus as Earth's dazzling twin. It beams brighter than any star, earning nicknames like the Morning or Evening Star. Yet behind celestial similarities hide profound mysteries about our nearest neighbor's topsy-turvy spin.

Light from Milky Way’s Center is 25,000 Years Old

When we peer up at the Milky Way's misty band of light, we’re viewing it as it appeared in the Stone Age due to the vast distance involved. That's because light from the galaxy's center takes an estimated 25,000 years to reach our planet.