Tag: United States


Great Lakes: 20% of the world’s surface freshwater

Along America's northern frontier sprawls an aquatic kingdom spanning 94,600 square miles - the largest surface freshwater system on Earth. Encompassing Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario, this watery realm contains over 117 trillion gallons supplying 40 million people while supporting economies from Canada to Minnesota to New York.

Why Most Canadians Live Near US Border

Gaze north from America across the Great White North and Canada appears a boundless land brimming with rugged wilderness, sawtooth mountains and remote tundra plains. But in fact just 10% of Canada's nearly 40 million populace resides in those iconic frigid hinterlands. A full 90% instead clusters within a narrow strip along the southern border - often not far north of U.S. territory at all.

Everyone’s tongueprint is unique to them

In a future not so far off, your smartphone, computer, or front door may feature advanced biometric security to confirm your identity before granting access. But rather than pressing a finger or peering into a retinal scanner, authenticating yourself could one day be as easy as sticking out your tongue!

Philadelphia Cream Cheese: not from Philly?

Its familiar silver-wrapped bricks dominate refrigerator shelves nationwide. Beloved for spreading on bagels or baking into cheesecakes, Philadelphia Cream Cheese has cemented its status as an icon of American cuisine. Yet behind the brand’s household familiarity lies an origin story filled with clever deception, immigrant ingenuity, and enduring myth.

When North America Had Over 144 Local Times

Imagine an American railway dispatcher in 1880 fielding telegraphs about a passenger train running hours behind schedule. But the message isn't warning of mechanical issues, track flooding or otherobstacles. It's simply that the train unexpectedly arrived early, jeopardizing connections, thanks to timekeeping chaos across cities then.

California’s Economy: Larger than UK

With an economy larger than the United Kingdom, California ranks as the world's fifth largest economy. The Golden State's staggering $3.4 trillion GDP outpaces entire nations. But what transformed California into a global economic behemoth?