Tag: world


The Snowball Earth

Imagine a world entirely encased in ice, from pole to pole, with glaciers flowing even in the heart of the tropics. This may sound like a scene from a post-apocalyptic science fiction movie, but it's a scenario that many geologists believe occurred not just once, but multiple times during Earth's history, long before humanity walked the planet.

These three countries are surrounded by their neighbor

Across nearly 200 countries checkering the globe, exactly three extraordinary lands claim status as fully enclaved nations - meaning completely surrounded by another country enclosing its borders on all sides. Two micro-states nestled within neighboring Italy and one mountain kingdom swallowed up inside South Africa comprise Earth's sole national entities qualifying for such geopolitical quirk of geography.

California’s Economy: Larger than UK

With an economy larger than the United Kingdom, California ranks as the world's fifth largest economy. The Golden State's staggering $3.4 trillion GDP outpaces entire nations. But what transformed California into a global economic behemoth?

Caligula’s Pleasure Barge uncovered by Mussolini

The fascinating history of Rome is filled with intriguing tales and mysteries, but few are as captivating as the story of Caligula's pleasure barge. Uncovered by none other than Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, this tale combines ancient Roman debauchery, a stunning lake, and the iron-fisted rule of a 20th-century fascist leader. Join us on this adventurous journey as we explore the luxurious world of Caligula's pleasure barge and the lengths Mussolini went to uncover it.

The Surprising History of Toothpaste in Ancient Egypt

When you squeeze minty fresh toothpaste onto your brush each morning, you’re participating in a ritual with ancient roots. Long before the first tube of Crest rolled off assembly lines, ancient Egyptians were concocting their own tooth-cleaning pastes. They valued oral hygiene and invented some of the first breath mints, toothpicks and toothpaste recipes.

Pope Francis was once a bouncer at a nightclub

Before becoming the head of the Catholic Church in 2013, Pope Francis lived a much simpler life back in Argentina. In fact, he held an unusual job for a future pope - he worked as a bouncer at a nightclub.