That time when Marylin Monroe posed in a Potato Sack


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What’s up folks!

Hope the long weekend was a good one and you all got to spend some time with loved ones. Mine was filled with swimming pools, barbecue and sunshine… except Monday… we did get some rain on Memorial Day…. I guess that was appropriate.

Well folks we’re going to the glamorous 50s to the time when the Blonde Bombshell herself was causing controversy… Specifically with a Potato Sack… let’s dive into this story…

Billy @ Fact Brainiac

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Imagine if I told you that one of the most iconic images of Marilyn Monroe, the blonde bombshell and leading sex symbol of the 1950s, was not in a dazzling designer gown or a sparkling Hollywood outfit, but in a dress made from a potato sack. Hard to believe? Well, it’s not only true but also a remarkable story that wonderfully combines Hollywood glamour, clever public relations, and the grit of the Great Depression.

Let’s time travel back to the 1930s. Picture this – we’re in the middle of the Great Depression, times are tough, and money is scarce. What do you do when you can’t afford new clothes? You get creative! Families across America started repurposing cotton flour bags and feed sacks into clothing, curtains, diapers, and more. The idea was simple, but it was also genius. It represented a resourceful spirit and an enduring American will to make do and keep pushing forward during hard times. This necessity gave birth to the humble sack dress – a testament to resilience, resourcefulness, and creativity in an era of economic hardship.

Fast forward to the 1950s, and here comes Marilyn Monroe, already making waves in Hollywood with her striking beauty and charismatic on-screen presence. One evening, she attended a party at the Beverly Hills Hotel, adorned in a revealing red dress that sparked quite a bit of controversy. Some media outlets deemed it ‘cheap and vulgar,’ even suggesting that she might have been better off wearing a potato sack.

Well, the Twentieth Century Fox PR team saw an opportunity and took it. They had Monroe photographed in a potato sack dress, cleverly showing that their starlet was so stunning, she could make anything look good – even a potato sack. This play was not only a fantastic PR move but also a tongue-in-cheek response to her critics.

Earl Theisen, a photographer for Look magazine, took the iconic photos, with one of the sack-dress photos even making it to the cover of Stare magazine in 1952, a year before Playboy launched with Monroe on the cover. The caption read: “MMMarilyn MMMonroe doesn’t care too much for potatoes because it tends to put on weight, but she decided to do something for the potatoes!”

So why was this significant? Well, firstly, Marilyn in her potato sack dress perfectly illustrated the spirit of the Depression-era ingenuity in a fresh, new context. She brought the spotlight back to an everyday, pragmatic fashion choice that was a staple in the lives of so many during the 1930s.

Secondly, Marilyn, always the trendsetter, used this opportunity to push back against societal norms and expectations for women. She was responding to the criticism about her attire and, in a broader sense, challenging the idea that a woman’s worth or beauty is tied to what she wears. The message was clear: Monroe was attractive, not because of her clothes, but because of who she was. The potato sack didn’t make Monroe; Monroe made the potato sack.

On the surface, Marilyn posing in a potato sack dress was a PR stunt, a rebellious move, a controversial image. However, delving deeper, it was a celebration of the human spirit of creativity and resilience that had weathered the Great Depression. It was Monroe’s homage to those who had struggled and persevered, and her assertion that beauty and style transcended the cost or origin of one’s attire.

Marilyn Monroe once said, “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” With her potato sack photo shoot, she seemed to add, “…or even the right potato sack.” This statement resonated with the public. It offered a fresh perspective on the concept of beauty, emphasizing personality, confidence, and character over materialistic attributes.

When Marilyn Monroe posed in a potato sack dress, she was doing more than just making a fashion statement. She was bringing a piece of everyday America into the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, while subtly challenging societal norms. This iconic image serves as a reminder of our ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, a testament to the enduring spirit of resilience, creativity, and individuality. So the next time you think of Marilyn Monroe, remember not just the glamorous starlet, but also the woman who made a potato sack look like haute couture.



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