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This animal’s blood is the most valuable on earth

When you think about the most precious liquids on Earth, you might conjure up images of petroleum, fine wines, or perhaps rare perfumes. But there's one creature out there whose unassuming blue blood is worth its weight in gold, and it's been saving human lives for decades without many of us realizing it.

Caligula’s Pleasure Barge uncovered by Mussolini

The fascinating history of Rome is filled with intriguing tales and mysteries, but few are as captivating as the story of Caligula's pleasure barge. Uncovered by none other than Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, this tale combines ancient Roman debauchery, a stunning lake, and the iron-fisted rule of a 20th-century fascist leader. Join us on this adventurous journey as we explore the luxurious world of Caligula's pleasure barge and the lengths Mussolini went to uncover it.

This is the Deepest Hole on Earth

In Jules Verne's "Journey to the center of the Earth" was a book that fascinated me as a child. It made me wonder about what lies deep underneath our surface. Then I learned about Superdeep Borehole. This man-made hole secluded within the untamed expanse of Russia's Kola Peninsula is an exceptional relic of engineering prowess. The Kola Superdeep Borehole remains the deepest man-made point on our planet. This extraordinary project seized global intrigue, igniting a burning desire to uncover the secrets beneath our feet.

Black holes are the Darkest and Brightest objects in the Universe

In the vast expanse of our cosmic playground, Black Holes reign supreme as enigmatic wonders that simultaneously perplex and captivate astronomers and space lovers alike. As the darkest and brightest objects in the universe, they present an enthralling paradox that invites us to explore their mysteries further.

Yasuke: the first Black Samurai

In the closing years of the 16th century, Japan, a remarkable figure rose through the ranks of society to become the first black samurai in history. Yasuke, a man of African origin, embarked on an extraordinary journey that saw him forge a lasting place in Japanese lore. His remarkable odyssey, which started in Africa and culminated in Japan, defied racial and societal norms, etching his name on the annals of Japan's feudal past.

Origin of “In A Jiffy”

Say you face a tight deadline when suddenly your watch stops working. No problem - you assure your impatient client that the requested analysis will arrive in a jiffy. But how long exactly is the nebulous unit we call a "jiffy"? While often used loosely when referring to time, this versatile term carries surprisingly precise meanings across scientific fields. Yet no single definition prevails - instead, a jiffy's duration shifts dramatically based on context.

Maryland’s state sport: Jousting

The clamor of hooves pounding dirt fills the summer air as two riders in glinting armor charge forward, wooden lances tilted. At the moment of impact, cheers erupt from the crowd as splinters explode in a thrilling burst. While this scene may seem fit for a Renaissance fair, it plays out every year at Maryland jousting tournaments that uphold a centuries-old tradition.

The Millions in Lost Pocket Change on Planes

You reach for your phone and keys as you grab your bag and jacket to dash off a flight. In the shuffle, a few errant coins slip out from your pocket, rolling under the seat as you rush away. Multiply those forgotten pennies and quarters by millions of airline passengers each year, and you have a financial phenomenon - the millions of dollars in loose change left annually on commercial flights.