
The Origin of Bungee Jumping and Extreme Sports

In the late 1970s, a crew of thrill-seeking Oxford University students grew bored of rigid, bureaucratic sports and formed their own club seeking adventure.

The WWII Soldier Who Wouldn’t Surrender

In December of 1944, as American forces were battling their way across the Pacific and closing in on Japan, a young Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer named Hiroo Onoda landed on the small island of Lubang in the Philippines.

The Sun Never Sets on the French Republic

Picture a typical French scene in your mind's eye. Perhaps you envision the iconic Eiffel Tower piercing the Parisian skyline. You may also imagine strolling through the lavender fields of Provence. While these images are quintessentially French, they only scratch the surface of what truly constitutes the French Republic.

The Woman Who Wrote the First Code

Ada Lovelace is often referred to as the world's first computer programmer, yet her contributions to science and technology have been overshadowed by her gender and her famous father, the poet Lord Byron.

Jupiter Doesn’t Orbit the Sun

Astrophysicists have long known that the universe is full of surprises, but even our own Solar System can make our head spin. It turns out that the center of the Solar System is not the Sun and so Jupiter doesn't orbit the Sun. In fact, none of the planets revolve around the Sun.

Maryland’s state sport: Jousting

The clamor of hooves pounding dirt fills the summer air as two riders in glinting armor charge forward, wooden lances tilted. At the moment of impact, cheers erupt from the crowd as splinters explode in a thrilling burst. While this scene may seem fit for a Renaissance fair, it plays out every year at Maryland jousting tournaments that uphold a centuries-old tradition.

The Millions in Lost Pocket Change on Planes

You reach for your phone and keys as you grab your bag and jacket to dash off a flight. In the shuffle, a few errant coins slip out from your pocket, rolling under the seat as you rush away. Multiply those forgotten pennies and quarters by millions of airline passengers each year, and you have a financial phenomenon - the millions of dollars in loose change left annually on commercial flights.

Bananas are radioactive

Bananas are one of the most popular fruit, enjoyed by millions of people around the world for their sweetness and nutritional benefits. However, there's...

Celebrity Wedding Cake from the 1800s

Celebrity weddings — Long before Kim and Kanye or Harry and Meghan, America was fixated on another over-the-top celebrity wedding. Back in 1863, little person superstars Charles Stratton and Lavinia Warren tied the knot in an extravagant New York City affair that attracted crowds in the thousands.

Strength of spider silk rivals steel

Spider silk, an insect-trapping and egg-protecting material, is known for its incredible strength and elasticity, making it one of the most...

Istanbul is in both Europe and Asia

Located at the confluence of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, Istanbul, previously known as Byzantium and Constantinople, is a city of immense historical significance. This beautiful city...