Tag: Business


California’s Economy: Larger than UK

With an economy larger than the United Kingdom, California ranks as the world's fifth largest economy. The Golden State's staggering $3.4 trillion GDP outpaces entire nations. But what transformed California into a global economic behemoth?

We have Gold in our hair

We dream of discovering hidden troves of gold - imaginary treasure chests overflowing with glittering coins and jewelry. But what if microscopic gold was right under our noses, woven into our very hair each day? It turns out our manes contain tiny traces of real gold, absorbed as we go about normal life.

Bluetooth is named after this Viking King

In today's modern world, Bluetooth technology has become synonymous with wireless communication, connecting a multitude of devices from smartphones to speakers. But did you know that the name and logo of this ubiquitous technology were inspired by a 10th-century Viking king, Harald Bluetooth Gormsson?

Turning Tequila to Diamonds

Tequila, the iconic spirit of Mexico, has long been a symbol of celebration and indulgence. Little did we know that this fiery beverage held a secret, a dazzling gem just waiting to be discovered. Scientists at the National Autonomous University of Mexico made an astounding breakthrough when they successfully transformed tequila into real, glittering diamonds.

Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder, prank-called the Vatican

Before revolutionizing personal computing and becoming the storied co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak found his technological thrill seeking landing him in trouble. Long fascinated by electronics and pranks, the young Woz once attempted an ambitious gambit - phreaking a call with the Pope while posing as Henry Kissinger.