Tag: Earth


Tiny Marine Microbes Make The Air You Breathe

Deep in the world's oceans thrives a photosynthetic powerhouse you can't even see. The tiny microbe Prochlorococcus measures just 0.6 micrometers wide—half the size of the thinnest human hair. Yet this unassuming organism pulls off an astounding chemical feat: producing up to 80% of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere.

The Pacific Ocean is Bigger than you can imagine

Did you know that the Pacific Ocean is not only the largest and deepest of Earth's oceans, but also has more artifacts than all the world's museums combined? And that's not all; it's even wider than the moon! Let's dive into the amazing world of the Pacific Ocean and explore its mind-boggling size, depth, and some of the cool things that make it an incredible part of our planet.

This is the only country named after a woman

Rising from the azure waters of the eastern Caribbean emerges the volcanic island of Saint Lucia. Known for its rugged natural beauty, Saint Lucia stands apart as the only nation in the world bearing the name of a woman - Saint Lucy. How did this lush island come to be associated with a Catholic martyr born worlds away? The story spans conquistadors and colonists, volcanic forces, and an iconic woman whose legacy endured across oceans.

How Butterflies taste through their feet

A butterfly flutters delicately from bloom to bloom, sipping nectar through its curly proboscis. But a closer look reveals this winged beauty uses more than just its mouth to experience the world.

Africa spans all four hemispheres

Of Earth’s seven continents, only one remarkable landmass stretches into all four hemispheres – Africa. Thanks to twists of geography and scale, Africa uniquely straddles the dividing lines of latitude and longitude that delineate eastern from western lands and northern countries from southern ones. Consequently, significant portions of its sprawling territory extend into each hemispheric quadrant.

4 of the World’s Most Intelligent Animals

Humans fancy ourselves the smartest creatures on Earth thanks to superior intellect and advanced communication. But science increasingly shows we share the planet with animal masterminds in their own right. Beyond captivating pets, the animal kingdom harbors genius rivaling our own across metrics like analytical skill, social smarts and technical innovation.