Tag: Universe


Dinosaurs had a different view of the Milky Way

Imagine gazing skyward some 147 million years ago in the late Jurassic period as a young Stegosaurus. What stars and planets strew across the heavens visible that strange night? Even Earth’s night sky was alien, for a fascinating astronomical reason.

Light from Milky Way’s Center is 25,000 Years Old

When we peer up at the Milky Way's misty band of light, we’re viewing it as it appeared in the Stone Age due to the vast distance involved. That's because light from the galaxy's center takes an estimated 25,000 years to reach our planet.

Solar System’s Tallest Volcano Makes Everest Look Tiny

Towering into the rust-hued Martian sky, Olympus Mons dominates the horizon, dwarfing even Earth's tallest peaks. This towering volcanic mountain rises 16 miles high - nearly three times taller than Mount Everest.

Black holes are the Darkest and Brightest objects in the Universe

In the vast expanse of our cosmic playground, Black Holes reign supreme as enigmatic wonders that simultaneously perplex and captivate astronomers and space lovers alike. As the darkest and brightest objects in the universe, they present an enthralling paradox that invites us to explore their mysteries further.