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This waterfall’s roar can be heard 25 miles away

Photo by Sammy Wong on Unsplash

Located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls is one of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the world. Its steady stream of water plunges some 350 feet down into the basin. The falls drop in a vast gorge, creating a thundering roar that can be heard from over 25 miles away. The falls are so powerful that the water spray creates a rainforest-like micro climate that blankets the surrounding area continuously.

While the falls are known as Victoria Falls worldwide, locals refer to them as Mosi-oa-Tunya. Which translates to “The Smoke that Thunders.” The name is fitting as the sound of the thundering waterfall can be heard from far away. Also the smoke, or water plume, can be seen even farther. The falls were named after Queen Victoria of England. She had never visited the site but was informed of it during her reign.

Victoria Falls is made up of several waterfalls, including Devil’s Cataract, Main Falls, Rainbow Falls, and Horseshoe Falls, located on the Zimbabwean side, and the Eastern Cataract located on the Zambian side. Each of these waterfalls has a unique character and beauty that makes it worth exploring.

victoria falls, waterfall, zambezi

Best time to Visit

The best time to see Victoria Falls is between February and May. This is when the summer rains, and by extension Victoria Falls itself, are at their highest volume. However, visitors can enjoy the falls all year round, with each season offering its unique advantages. Between mid-August and mid-December, the adventurous can take a dip in Devil’s Pool. It’s a swimming hole that brings visitors to the very edge of the Fall’s dizzying plunge. This gives them a unique and thrilling perspective of the falls.

Fun Activities

The falls are an excellent location for activities such as bungee jumping, white water rafting, and zip-lining. The surrounding area offers a vast range of activities such as wildlife safaris, bird watching, and cultural tours of local villages, among others.

In addition, the Victoria Falls is a UNESCO World Heritage site that offers an educational experience about the natural beauty of the region. It is also an essential source of hydroelectric power, providing electricity to several countries in the region.

A Natural Wonder worth a Visit

Victoria Falls is a natural wonder that offers an unforgettable experience for anyone who visits. Whether you are interested in taking in the natural beauty of the falls or exploring the wide range of activities and adventures available in the surrounding area, Victoria Falls is a destination that should be on everyone’s bucket list.

📈😲Additional Fun Facts

Largest waterfall

Victoria Falls is the world’s largest sheet of falling water


feet across and 355 feet in height (more than twice of Niagara Falls). The mist plume is 1,300 feet in height


Also called lunar-rainbows. They’re rainbows that occur at night. Victoria Falls is one of two places on Earth where you can see one.

500 Million

Liters of water flow over the falls every minute

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