Tag: Animals


4 of the World’s Most Intelligent Animals

Humans fancy ourselves the smartest creatures on Earth thanks to superior intellect and advanced communication. But science increasingly shows we share the planet with animal masterminds in their own right. Beyond captivating pets, the animal kingdom harbors genius rivaling our own across metrics like analytical skill, social smarts and technical innovation.

Secrets hidden in Whale Earwax

Beneath the waves, a humpback whale's haunting song rings out. These giants of the deep have captivated humanity for ages with their intelligence, emotions and intricate social bonds. Yet much about whales remains a mystery due to their hidden underwater lives.

Strength of spider silk rivals steel

Spider silk, an insect-trapping and egg-protecting material, is known for its incredible strength and elasticity, making it one of the most...

Monarch Butterflies Travel Up To 3,000 Miles During Migration

Monarch butterflies are one of the most majestic and fascinating creatures on Earth. These delicate insects are known for their distinctive orange and black wings...

Alligators and Crocodiles live together only in the Everglades

Alligators and crocodiles have a lot in common. They’re both beefy reptiles with a serious set of teeth and strong Triassic vibes. However, there are some big differences between...

Bats that sing love songs

As the sun sets over Central Texas, an amorous suitor emerges in the fading light. Spreading his wings, he takes to the skies and begins his sultry serenade, crooning for a mate's affection. His love song rings into the night air, a soulful ballad crafted just for her.