Tag: Food


First Ice Cream recipe was written down by Thomas Jefferson

Before TV dramas or social media, early America buzzed over one influential tastemaker renowned for his continental flair. Long before Michelin stars or the Food Network made chefs famous, Thomas Jefferson won widespread fame for his epicurean adventures.

Pringles Creator’s Final Resting Place: A Pringles Can

For Fredric Baur, creating the perfect potato crisp wasn't just his vocation - it became his eternity. As the inventor entombed in his ingenious Pringles can design could attest, obsession with one's work can follow us anywhere. Even the grave.

Bananas are radioactive

Bananas are one of the most popular fruit, enjoyed by millions of people around the world for their sweetness and nutritional benefits. However, there's...

5 Fascinating Facts about Valentine’s Day

On February 14, 1400, King Charles VI of France established the High Court of Love, also known as "a cour amoureuse." The court was designed to...